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Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Going Intel  
I guess everyone remotely interested in the Mac knows already the big news that from middle of next year on Apple will sell Macs with Intel inside.
I definitely didn't believe the rumors until Steve Jobs let the cat out of the bag while giving his keynote speech at the WWDC in SF this Monday. And, honestly, I was quite surprised. I did read the press release and some of the statements that started popping up all over the web. But until I had watched the keynote myself on Tuesday morning and also read through some of the preliminary documentation available on the ADC site, I couldn't really get a picture of what was going to happen.
I don't want to say it will be easy, but it will be for sure much easier than the two major transitions Apple had gone through before. The first one, from 68k to PPC, was quite painful and the second one, from OS9 to OSX, was quite easier.
1. Tiger is a great, mature operating system and it has been built to work on both processors.
2. The whole thing was planned for some time and there is a 1 year advance warning for developers with full support from Apple (Xcode 2.1)
3. Steve Jobs is in charge.
I must say after all, I am not afraid but I am actually looking ahead to what is coming. And, to defy all the nay-sayers, we'll be buying an iMac G5 this month. I am sure Apple will keep on supporting these machines for several years.

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